Learning | Inclusion | Networking | Community

No Solicitation Policy

No Solicitation Policy

LINC-LV maintains a no-solicitation policy covering its conferences, meetings, webinars and other events. In order to provide a distraction-free environment for our members and other attendees, we do not allow solicitation of any kind during any event, including asking for business, soliciting fund management services, distributing grant proposals, or requesting grant funding. Additionally, DEI Community members expect that participation in LINC-LV events will not result in future solicitations unless the member specifically invites future contact. Accordingly, we ask that all participants at LINC-LV events refrain from using attendee lists or similar information for solicitation purposes without the express permission of LINC-LV staff. Examples of prohibited solicitation activity include:

-Unauthorized receptions & parties (including off-site events)

-Unauthorized exhibits, mobile exhibits & hospitality suites

-Unauthorized membership recruitment activities

-Unauthorized promotion of non-LINC events

-Unauthorized on-site distribution of printed or electronic materials including literature, signs, flyers, invitations, tickets, forms, etc. (except business cards)

Any person and/or organization found to be violating this policy may be expelled from the event without refund of registration fees. Egregious and/or multiple violations of this policy may result in disqualification from future events at the discretion of LINC-LV.